My career as founder and CEO of technology companies began in the early 90’s. Over the years, I’ve become aware of two strong pulls within me. Alongside very analytical, strategic, factual, and pragmatic considerations, I was fascinated by softer, multidimensional, even spiritual elements in business and management.
Throughout my career founding and managing companies, I was attracted to identify the operating ethos of their executives, and to explore the considerations incorporated in the decision-making processes responsible for effectiveness and coherence. Intuitively, I’ve explored the balance between business practices and broader human paradigms.
At some point the intuition ad hoc was conceptualized into a universal methodology.
My background is a BSC in Mechanical Engineering, DIC in Process Control, and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from Imperial College, University of London. A term at the department of Computer Science at the Wiezman Institute, teaching MBA students and founding start-ups in software, communication, and sustainability.
In the concrete world where the laws of physics, chemistry, and biology govern, there is a richness of mechanisms which yield highly effective solutions that represent optimal arrangements. These arrangements often fill us with reverence for their effectiveness and sophistication.
The book Problem Solving from Nature offers a diverse collection of problem-solving approaches inspired by nature, implemented to solve intractable man-made problems.
When we come to address complex challenges, we have two distinct alternatives: an analytical approach which assumes one can build a good enough model of the issue and apply structured tools to reach a near optimal solution. And there is the holistic approach which assumes the interrelations between the defining parameters of the challenge are too complex for an analysis, and it is much more enlightening to allow the defining characters of the hidden relationships to surface and expose themselves.
The book “Genetic Algorithms and Robotics” drafts a methodical approach inspired by biological mechanisms of evolution that enables the discovery of the elusive fine balance of an optimal solution. The problem-solving concept is then applied to self-actuating robotic tasks.
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מענה ראשון
הכרה בנחיצות בפלטפורמה חדשה לבצע בדיקת הנאותות של מיזם כך שאחוז החלטות ההשקעה השליליות הכוזבות, כמו גם החיוביות הכוזבות, קטנות משמעותית ביחס לתוצאות בדיקת הנאותות כיום.
מענה שני
האופן שבו תומכים במיזמי חדשנות סביבתית לבצע את הפיתוח העסקי שלהם וכניסה לשווקים הבינלאומיים.
מענה שלישי
הנגשת מידע איכותי על שווקי היעד ומאפייני התחרות בהם.
מענה רביעי
פלטפורמה לטיפוח מקצועיות ההנהלה.
The first pillar is a scientific oversight ‘club’, involving most of the leading scientists in Israel dealing with environment-related sciences. ‘Club’ members acknowledge the need for them to work together across disciplines and synthesize interdisciplinary considerations. The purpose of this ‘club’ is to sieve out technical/scientific dead-ends ahead of time for pipeline candidates, and overcome unexpected technological crises for the portfolio companies (if such arise during the long-haul maturation).
The objective of the second pillar – the marketplace/commercial agency – is to provide, on a global basis, first-hand market understanding plus marketing intelligence for the fund and for portfolio companies. Members of this ‘club’ are companies that manufacture and sell sustainability-related products and services in global markets.
The third pillar is an international program linking government, certification and piloting bodies around the world that can expedite the introduction of new sustainability products into their respective local markets.
The fourth pillar is a tailor-made mentoring and training program designed to augment the capability of the sustainability entrepreneurs and executives in international sustainability business practices.